Muslim leader is quite entitled to pray for a united Ireland but unionists will never join him

Sinn Fein’s Mary Lou McDonald was at conference in Dublin at which Muslim leader said "I pray for a united Ireland"Sinn Fein’s Mary Lou McDonald was at conference in Dublin at which Muslim leader said "I pray for a united Ireland"
Sinn Fein’s Mary Lou McDonald was at conference in Dublin at which Muslim leader said "I pray for a united Ireland"
A letter from Archibald Toner:

On November 6 The Irish Times carried a story relating to a conference in the Mansion House, Dublin and which was addressed by a prominent Muslim leader, Shayk Dr Umar Al-Qadri.

Other participants included Mary Lou McDonald of Sinn Fein.

During his address Dr Al-Qadri related how the burning of a building used as a mosque in Belfast would have been unthinkable in the 26 counties and how a survey showed the majority of Muslims would support a united Ireland.

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Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Dr Al-Qadri said: “Where there is such a difference between the lived experience of Muslim communities and other minorities in the six and 26 counties, political unionism should not be surprised when these communities reach the conclusion that, despite having no historical or familial connections to the constitutional question, black people, people of colour, Muslims, LGBT and other non traditional communities living in the north decide that partition is not working for them either.”

Dr Al-Qadri also stated, “I say proudly that I believe in a united Ireland, I pray for a united Ireland and, by God, I will work to deliver a united Ireland.”

It appears to me that Dr Al-Qadri can’t be aware of the persecution of Protestants in this country, how the Protestant/unionist peoples of today have evolved and how in more recent times we have had to also bear the brunt of further persecution in the form of the IRA’s murderous barbarity (as supported and celebrated by Sinn Fein) before they went into hibernation following the ‘Good Friday Agreement’.

It should come as no big surprise to anyone that unionists cannot therefore paint the same picture of the Republic as he does — nor will they be voting for a united Ireland at the behest of Sinn Fein, their IRA hierarchy or the EU for that matter. Irrespective of SF’s big charade of airy fairy, vote seeking chat about governance from Europe, diversity, equality etc, what the overwhelming concern for me and mine would be is our personal safety given the well proven, Brit loathing, propensities of Irish republicanism.

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Let’s face it, without Britain being available to provide security for us and with the Irish Republic not having the means, nor maybe even the will to protect us, these vengeful, hate fuelled republicans are still more than capable of taking full advantage.

Whether he recognises the dark, sinister side of Irish republicans or not, Dr Al-Qadri is quite entitled to pray for a united Ireland if he so wishes.

He and others should at least be aware as to why hundreds of thousands of unionists will otherwise be opposing it and praying for the contrary!

Archibald Toner, Dromore, Co Down

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