Maybe Van Morrison could visit a hospital hard-hit by Covid

Van Morrison last year accused the government of trying to 'enslave people' with Covid restrictionsVan Morrison last year accused the government of trying to 'enslave people' with Covid restrictions
Van Morrison last year accused the government of trying to 'enslave people' with Covid restrictions
So Sir Van Morrison is to legally challenge Stormont’s “blanket ban” on live music in licensed venues because of coronavirus restrictions.

The best thing that should happen, rather than annoying the NHS and the courts, is to invite Van – and maybe the judge – to the nearest hospital where the majority of Covid patients are being treated.

And let them see for themselves the effects Covid has on the patients – and more important, what it is doing to the doctors, nurses, and all of the NHS staff.

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Nobody wants to ban events, but life is so precious to victims and their families.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Val Young, Carrickfergus

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