Letter: We are spending millions on the divisive Casement Park stadium project when the NHS is in dire straits and society faces increased poverty

The national stadium Windsor Park got a fraction of the projected cost to upgrade Casement Park, above. Is such spending really the highest priority now?The national stadium Windsor Park got a fraction of the projected cost to upgrade Casement Park, above. Is such spending really the highest priority now?
The national stadium Windsor Park got a fraction of the projected cost to upgrade Casement Park, above. Is such spending really the highest priority now?
A letter from Stephen Cooper:

The proposed redevelopment of Casement Park throws up several interesting conundrums.

Leaving aside the distasteful sectarianism that I and many other unionists believe to run through the GAA, and what is meant to be a sporting body, with some stadiums, trophies, and clubs being named after terrorists and some of their grounds being used to eulogise republican murderers, it remains to be seen how much exactly this project is going to cost the taxpayer? Even local residents are opposed to the revamp, before, during, and after unfortunately losing their challenge in the courts recently.

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All the posturing from nationalists and repeated mantras of the most vulnerable being affected by the cost of living fades into insignificance as the figure of over £140 million being bandied around for this project seemingly is more important than the thousands struggling across Northern Ireland with rising costs and bills.

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor

Is Casement Park really that important? Is spending millions on another divisive entity really the highest priority at present, with the NHS in dire straits and society facing increased poverty?

Hypothetically, if this regeneration does go ahead, will those at the helm afford respect to prospective teams and International protocol in flying our national flag, and playing our national anthem in the unlikely case of either England or Northern Ireland playing in the stadium? Our national football stadium, Windsor Park only received a fraction of the projected cost; why the unfair imbalance and discrepancy?

As usual, it's one-way traffic to appease the precious so-called process.

Stephen Cooper, Sofia, Bulgaria