Letter: They told us the Belfast Agreement had saved lives, but failed to mention the price - we took our first faltering steps to the protocol and joint rule

(L-R) Former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, former US Senator George Mitchell, former US president Bill Clinton and former British Prime Minister Sir Tony Blair (R) stand together at Hillsborough Castle for the Gala dinner to mark the 25th anniversary of the Belfast Agreement on April 19, 2023. Britain has betrayed the Union (Photo by Charles McQuillan-Pool/Getty Images)(L-R) Former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, former US Senator George Mitchell, former US president Bill Clinton and former British Prime Minister Sir Tony Blair (R) stand together at Hillsborough Castle for the Gala dinner to mark the 25th anniversary of the Belfast Agreement on April 19, 2023. Britain has betrayed the Union (Photo by Charles McQuillan-Pool/Getty Images)
(L-R) Former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, former US Senator George Mitchell, former US president Bill Clinton and former British Prime Minister Sir Tony Blair (R) stand together at Hillsborough Castle for the Gala dinner to mark the 25th anniversary of the Belfast Agreement on April 19, 2023. Britain has betrayed the Union (Photo by Charles McQuillan-Pool/Getty Images)
A letter from Clive Maxwell:

As I watched the ‘festival’ at Queens University it struck me how they all had aged, and were out of touch. They told us the Belfast Agreement had saved lives, but failed to mention the price. We sold our souls for it, and took our first faltering steps to the protocol and joint rule. Some achievement! We are now a colony of the EU. Their focus was on the great wash, and not the undercurrents, the bits they left out.

Hillary Clinton told her audience that Joe Biden was on course for a second term. You couldn’t make it up! I wondered were they on the same medication. She failed to mention America was in chaos and sailing dangerously close to civil war. For those paying close attention, Joe and his puppet masters on the radical left, are on course to undermine America’s Judeo/ Christian heritage and build a new order.

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What happens in America makes its way here and adapts to local conditions. The high tides sweeping America are moving in and crashing on our shore. The world is sailing into dangerous waters, and we have never been so ill-served by the quality of our unionist politicians, and so devoid of leadership. As the winds of change continue to blow, those with an eye on survival are jumping ship. They are moving to North Down and other select areas, taking refuge in their clubs and voting Alliance. It won’t save them!

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor

Britain has betrayed the Union, and as it was intended leaving us in a mess and on the way down. Those who planned this have left nothing to chance. This has the very real potential for disaster that can only be averted if leaders with vision emerge to inspire us. At the moment we are led by politicians who are limping, and leading us close to the edge. If we go over, and politics spills onto the streets, those with their hands on the levers of power will take the opportunity to close our account. There will be no way back, and they will use the wreckage to build a platform to a ‘New Ireland’. Things are going to script.

If that happens it won’t matter what club you use, you’ll play off the green and end up in a bunker. You won’t play out of it. Maybe you’ll think of all this when you’re playing the nineteenth hole, and sipping a GnT.

Clive Maxwell, Bleary

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