Letter: Let’s give Sir Jeffrey’s Protocol plans a chance as he faces down anti-Union conspirators

The Union is in peril, writes Mr McNarryThe Union is in peril, writes Mr McNarry
The Union is in peril, writes Mr McNarry
Sir Jeffrey Donaldson’s speech has cemented his credentials to lay claim as the leader of unionism.

It is for others to follow with support, or pitch their tents outside.

The NI Protocol has placed Northern Ireland’s status within the UK on the line, putting it in jeopardy of annexation.

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Unionism has no choice other than to resist its implementation and demand its removal.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

The Irish, the EU, Sinn Fein, the SDLP and Alliance are joint partners in support of the Protocol and all are willing conspirators in diminishing NI’s constitutional position.

None speak or act for the majority here, who clearly see that the Protocol threatens the peace and stability created by the Belfast Agreement. Positive reason why the four demands outlined by Sir Jeffrey will resonate with the overwhelming strength of public resentment towards the Protocol.

There can be no going back on the promises underscored in the Donaldson speech!

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Any deviation or diminution, and the DUP can kiss good-bye to ever being trusted with power again.

But one senses that with Sir Jeffrey’s commitment, unionists are genuinely putting the country before party.

If that remains the true case, then he deserves support.

One swallow (or speech)does not make a summer, but there is every expectation that Sir Jeffrey’s strategic route map could prevent a winter of discontent and rebuild unionist confidence.

David McNarry, Ex UUP and Ukip MLA, Comber

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