Letter: It has been harrowing to bear witness to the justification of Hamas terrorism by so many across the Irish political spectrum

The event will be held outside Leinster House in Dublin, which houses the parliament of Ireland, Oireachtas Éireann. P​alestinian terror has found ample support in the Republic of IrelandThe event will be held outside Leinster House in Dublin, which houses the parliament of Ireland, Oireachtas Éireann. P​alestinian terror has found ample support in the Republic of Ireland
The event will be held outside Leinster House in Dublin, which houses the parliament of Ireland, Oireachtas Éireann. P​alestinian terror has found ample support in the Republic of Ireland
A letter from Jackie Goodall:

Thousands of Israelis murdered, countless more injured. Israeli men, women, children and elderly kidnapped into Gaza and executed.

Mass murder and at a peace concert. Jewish babies beheaded. Calls for global jihad against Jews around the world. This is the evil being inflicted upon Israel by Hamas.

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The Ireland Israel Alliance (IIA) will hold a rally and march in Dublin in support of the state of Israel in her hour of need tomorrow (Sunday), outside the Kildare Street entrance to Dáil Éireann at 2.30pm.

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor

Now, more than ever, we must stand with Israel unapologetically. It has been harrowing to bear witness to the rationalisation, justification and glorification of terrorism by so many across the Irish political spectrum – particularly by People Before Profit and Sinn Féin. Whilst the Jewish community in Ireland is scared, Palestinian terror has found ample support in the Republic of Ireland. Some have even gone so far as to deny the suffering and murder of Israelis.

This is not representative of the Irish people and that must be made clear. Sunday’s rally is to say that the majority of Irish people, stand with Israel and rejects Palestinian terrorism. The Irish people stood against the Taliban, stood against Isis and now stands against Hamas.

Our speakers tomorrow include a representative from the Israeli community here in Ireland, Deputy Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (Ireland) Paul Coulter, former Ireland Minister for Justice and Defence Alan Shatter, and Senior Pastor of All Nations Church Dublin, John Ahern. After the rally we will then march to the Embassy of Israel at Shelbourne Road, for a dignified Prayer Service at 4pm, led by Towards Jerusalem Council 2 Ireland, ending with the singing of the Hatikvah.

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The Republic stands with Israel, no matter how much that may offend supporters of Palestinian terror in this country. Am Yisrael Chai.

Jackie Goodall,Founder and Executive Director of the Ireland Israel Alliance, Dublin

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