Letter: For all John Coulter's logic, he has ignored the reality that unionist ascendancy over any part of Ireland is gone

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Michael Park:

I have heard the voice of John Coulter crying in the wilderness (‘The three key messages the Orange Order should deliver at this year's Twelfth,’ July 7, see link below).

His plea for unionist cohesion is centred on the Orange Order, a fraternity sworn to maintain the Protestant Ascendancy in Ireland. Yet, for all his logic of his case, he has ignored (or blocked out) the reality facing unionists; the ascendancy of unionists anywhere in Ireland is over. Like the Boers in South Africa, their time is up.

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Therefore the only real question facing unionists is this: What are they going to do when 'Northern Ireland' is voted out of existence as it will inevitably be, within this generation? Will they come out from behind their siege walls and throw in their lot with the Irish and be the making of this island, or will they jump ship and move to where their loyalty to a foreign crown may be better rewarded?

Michael Park, Sevenoaks​