Let us accept God as he is in scriptural history

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
People have their views on God and judge Him according to their personal moral standards.

Sometimes people act as if at times He is an embarrassment and requires our intervention.

The fact is that in the Bible (His revelation to man) God is a Spirit who showers love, grace righteousness and salvation on man while at other times He is ruthless against those who defy Him.

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Let us accept Him as he is in scriptural history and his domination in all the affairs of creation.

Regarding speculations in these days, of cause and affect, our Lord Jesus warned us well in advance that in the end times there would be and increase in calamities before His return.

It is best to accept God as He is.

David Barbour MSc, HND, Ex UUP Councillor, Coleraine

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