Jim Allister: The current leader of unionism needs to avoid the tag Jeffrey Do-Little

By failing to carry through on threats the DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson fuels view that unionism will come to terms with the Northern Ireland ProtocolBy failing to carry through on threats the DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson fuels view that unionism will come to terms with the Northern Ireland Protocol
By failing to carry through on threats the DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson fuels view that unionism will come to terms with the Northern Ireland Protocol
A statement from Jim Allister QC MLA:

Unionists who want to see Northern Ireland’s place as an integral part of the UK restored will be deeply disappointed by Sir Jeffery’s latest statement and repositioning.

Having repeatedly warned that he would force the UK government to make a choice — Stormont or Protocol — he is no longer even saying that.

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By repeatedly making threats about what the DUP will do in response to the Northern Ireland Protocol and failing to carry them through, he is not only shredding credibility but strengthening the perception that in time unionism will come to terms with the Union-dismantling protocol.

Jeffrey Do-Little is a tag that the current leader of unionism needs to avoid.

To claim that the DUP “will not be implementers of protocol arrangements” when all the time the Poots’ Posts remain operative would be laughable were the constitutional ramifications of it not so grave.

Jim Allister QC MLA, TUV leader

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