It seems that it is permissible to insult Jesus Christ but not the Prophet Mohammed

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Tom Ferguson:

I read Andy Luke’s patronising reply to Lyle Cubitt with interest (‘Churches have bigger fish to fry than swearing on Derry Girls,’ April 19, see below).

Apparently, according to Mr Luke it is permissible to insult Jesus Christ, the One who Christians revere as their Saviour, in the interests of artistic expression.

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Would Mr Luke, in the interests of free expression, be happy to insult Mohammed, some of whose followers would react with a death sentence, or does he just single out Christians who are forbidden recourse to violence?

Certainly one would be forgiven for thinking this is the effective policy of our artistic classes.

If so, this policy is akin to the playground bully who picks on those who can’t retaliate while leaving those who can well alone and is as equally despicable.

Tom Ferguson, Ballymoney