It seems people are so afraid to die they have actually forgotten how to live

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Many voices are heard in support of masks, few if any have been raised to highlight the plight of those who are exempt.

This barbaric ruling of mandatory mask wearing causes extreme anxiety, panic, stress, severe mental torture among the exempt category, as well as those who chose not to wear them refusing to be controlled or brain washed by this ludicrous situation.

Those who are exempt are constantly bombarded with posters stating no entry without a face covering. Nowhere does it mention exemptions. Instead they are bullied and intimidated by a country invaded by masked aliens who show little or no respect.

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What happened to equality and old-fashioned manners? Are they not entitled to the same treatment and service as those hiding behind a piece of cloth? We have Mr Swann minister for doom and gloom to thank for this mess.

Scientists and health experts who have spoken out opposing masks are silenced and drown out by cheap slogans: wear one for everyone or I wear one for my granny.

All common sense and rational thinking gone in favour of masks. These very masks people trust their lives with are coughed, sneezed into, constantly pulled up and down, fiddled with, half on half off, hanging round necks, dangling from one ear, pulled from pockets and handbags and even dropped on floors should either be washed or disposed of daily.

Are they going to double as tissues in cold weather?

Masks and gloves are being discarded in carparks and along roadsides without a thought, absolutely disgusting vile pieces of cloth.

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Yet sadly how many are disillusioned in believing these filthy bits of material saved lives? Mask wearers think they have the right to challenge those exempt or those who do not wear one. How dare they! Read the government guidelines and mind your own business a person’s health and reasons are private.

So, if all you mask wearers are happy to comply stop moaning, whinging, complaining and alerting the authorities when you spot someone unmasked or two people not socially distancing. Maybe they are of the same household or maybe fed up with this farce and nonsense.

It seems people are so afraid to die they have actually forgotten how to live. Try climbing down from your stockpile of toilet rolls and get a life!

Leaving those who are exempt and others in peace

Julie Harris, Lurgan

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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