It is time for nationalists to show some tolerance of our culture

A huge bonfire is built in the loyalist Kilcooley area of Bangor Co Down to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. Bonfires are now being targeted Photo: Niall Carson/PA WireA huge bonfire is built in the loyalist Kilcooley area of Bangor Co Down to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. Bonfires are now being targeted Photo: Niall Carson/PA Wire
A huge bonfire is built in the loyalist Kilcooley area of Bangor Co Down to usher in the Twelfth commemorations. Bonfires are now being targeted Photo: Niall Carson/PA Wire
A letter from Darrin Foster:

Every year in the run up to the annual Battle of the Boyne celebrations we see nationalists take aim at a new target, from Orange men returning home from their church service at Drumcree to this year’s bonfire in Tigers Bay.

It seems nationalists once again prove that the sight of any sort of unionist culture is unacceptable.

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Since the implementation of the appeasement process 23 years ago nationalists have got used to demanding and unionists to conceding but economic alignment with the Irish republic through the Northern Ireland Protocol is a step to far.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Unionists have woken up to realise they have no more left to give.

It is time for nationalists to show some respect and tolerance to their unionists neighbours and stop attacking our culture.

Darrin Foster, TUV, Portadown

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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