Far fewer lives lost to climate change than to abortion

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from J Hardy:

“Climate Sunday gives parishes the opportunity to celebrate God’s work in creation as well as his work in redemption, at a time when the need to do so is most pressing.” The Archbishop of Armagh, John McDowell, sounds keen to get on the bandwagon and see Anglican parishes support a trendy new initiative.

It’s hard to see the need for a Climate Sunday, though, if we circumspectly analyse the facts.

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Human responsibility for the stewardship of creation is indelibly stamped into the opening lines of the Bible.

Dave Brennan of Brephos, a pro-life group, recently cited a WHO estimate of 250,000 human lives being lost each year as a result of climate change. He compares this figure to global abortion: “Baby genocide already claims more than 70 million lives per year. Are these numbers even worth comparing?”

Academics, governments and NGOs, are highly active in many well funded initiatives to tackle climate change.

The salvation of souls and protection of human life should be of first rank importance to the church.

J Hardy, Belfast BT5

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A message from the Editor:

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