While even the DUP change their stance on gay issues, Methodists stick to discredited Biblical teachings

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Andy Barr:

The Methodist Church in Great Britain has moved with the times and overwhelmingly redefined marriage to include homosexuality, to conduct same sex weddings and even approve of cohabitation as an alternative to marriage.

Unfortunately the same church in good old Northern Ireland are very upset about this change, according to Rev R Parke, from the churches morals committee, using that old discredited argument that its against Biblical teaching on marriage.

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For goodness sake even the ‘save Ulster from sodomy’ DUP are shifting their position.

The Methodists doesn’t ask God to do something about bone cancer in small children or eradicate mosquitoes which cause such untold suffering in the third world. No. Same sex marriage is the big problem, though there doesn’t seem to be issues about unusual relationships in the ‘Good Book’.

According to the Bible, Solomon had five hundred wives, which is no problem to the church because you don’t criticise Biblical heroes?

If I were to accept the divine orders from the Bible then I would support slavery as in (Leviticus 25: 44-46) where it says “If the owner dies, the male children should inherit the slaves previously owned by their father”

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I would support the execution of a wife who was found not to be a virgin on her wedding night as in (Deuteronomy 22 : 13-21).

According to the Bible — What is the punishment for taking the Lords name in vain — Death – (Leviticus 24:16)

What is the punishment for working on the Sabbath – Death – (Exodus 31:15)

What is the punishment for adultery – Death – (Leviticus 20:10)

I often wonder ‘do these people actually read the Bible?’

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It is not very long ago that a marriage between a Catholic and a Protestant was considered treachery in Northern Ireland and between black and white in apartheid South Africa an abomination.

Homosexuals play an important role in our society.

We have had a homosexual British prime minister. We have had a gay Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. We have openly gay members of the present and previous cabinets.

We have openly gay International Rugby players like Gareth Thomas.

Alan Turing, possibly Britain’s most famous scientist who broke the German enigma code and helped win the second world war was homosexual. I could go on and on.

Gay marriage is a human rights and equality issue.

Andy Barr, Bangor Humanists

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A message from the Editor:

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