David McNarry: I hope this is not just DUP sabre rattling from Edwin Poots, that then comes to nothing

Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots, in rowing back from the lockdown policy, sounded like a man leading dissentAgriculture Minister Edwin Poots, in rowing back from the lockdown policy, sounded like a man leading dissent
Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots, in rowing back from the lockdown policy, sounded like a man leading dissent
In his BBC Talkback interview (Friday October 16) Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots ploughed up the executive and scattered the DUP.

His intervention in rowing back from the agreed lockdown policy was interesting. He sounded like a man leading dissent within his party.

If it is more than the customary DUP sabre rattling that then comes to nothing, then his expression of exasperation at the executive’s inadequacies is not before time.

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Consistently over a sustained period the contributions on the ‘letters’ page have reflected many News Letter editorials, that pinpoint a perplexed mood within unionism.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Yet, to general consternation, there are little signs of a realisation by either the two main unionist leaders, Arlene Foster of the DUP or Steve Aiken of the Ulster Unionists, that their core support bases are disgruntled by their performances. Not just about Stormont’s handling of the Covid-19 crisis but across a wide ranging set of issues.

It is not, never was or should be a matter of disparaging nationalism. Unionism is better than stooping to the low level of republican conduct.

Unionism is simply expecting its leaders to uphold the cause of Northern Irish unionists.

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Fighting a rear guard action against Sinn Fein is the battleground position unionists find themselves in, because of a leadership that is losing confidence.

It can be changed to become an advantage when the leaders demonstrate that they are up for the fight today and ready to deliver a stable future.

In a nutshell, most unionists are reaching the end of their tether and fed up with being pushed from pillar to post by Sinn Fein’s dictatorial aggression.

Edwin Poots may be introducing an element of recognition of this unionist state of mind. His colleagues may follow his lead.

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But all unionist representatives are well advised to re-read their party political manifestos and turn this disgruntlement into action: actually challenging and resisting and exposing the never ending republican demands.

David McNarry, Ex UUP and Ukip MLA, Comber

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