David McNarry: Brexit was not the risk or problem for unionists, it was trusting the Irish not to interfere in our affairs

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Ben Lowry’s Brexit expertise is second to none.

He was first to expose the Boris border betrayal and is strident in rejecting the double dealing Tory chicanery.

However in his Saturday column piece, (‘For all his debating skills Gove was unable to confirm PM’s border pledge’), he is wrong to imply that Brexit “was a huge risk for unionists”.

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Apart from Ulster Unionist remainers, unionism wholeheartedly committed itself to leaving the European Union. It was in tune with the rest of the United Kingdom.

The risk was, is and always will be in trusting the Irish not to interfere in our internal affairs.

The border betrayal plan was hatched by the Irish and the deceit was finalised when the Tories conceded separate border controls to Brussels. The thrust of pressure to annex Northern Ireland from the UK came from one unfriendly source – Dublin.

Brexiteers flummoxed by the impotency of unionists at Westminster and Stormont are asking has unionism not only lost its voice but its teeth as well? In this respect Ben Lowry is right to assert that an Irish Sea border is the price demanded for unionism rolling over.

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Citing Covid-19 as the reason preventing protests against the border betrayal is pitiful. It is a lamentable excuse by some in the DUP in order to escape unionist fury at non existent resistance against the border sell out.

The challenge for the unionist leaderships with time running out is in mounting a formidable rebuttal of the betrayal.

David McNarry, Comber

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