Church minister: ‘We should be pulling at this time of medical crisis, not selfishly hoarding goods’

Stripped shelves in a supermarket in Belfast as a result of buyers stockpiling goods.
 Pic  Colm Lenaghan/ PacemakerStripped shelves in a supermarket in Belfast as a result of buyers stockpiling goods.
 Pic  Colm Lenaghan/ Pacemaker
Stripped shelves in a supermarket in Belfast as a result of buyers stockpiling goods. Pic Colm Lenaghan/ Pacemaker
I wouldn’t believe it unless I witnessed it .

Such incredible selfishness. Here we are in a medical crisis, when we should be pulling together as a community and some people think they are smart by hoarding! Such mind-numbing selfishness.

Where does this leave those who cannot afford to keep a little stock, but rather have to shop day by day as money permits or who are unable to transport a little extra due to lack of mobility?

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Many cannot afford to buy in weekly or fortnightly bulk never mind hoarding huge amounts, presumably by those who are cash rich, greedy, thoughtless and selfish.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

What are they and all of us, especially the guilty hoarders, going to do about looking after the elderly, the vulnerable and the low income?

I hope all the healthy and mobile will make great and practical efforts to look out for those who are struggling due to insufficient provisions, immobility and ill-health.

Hoarders, you know who you are, be ashamed and please share your provisions generously .

Rev Colin Hall Thompson, Chaplain, Mission To Seafarers, Princes Dock St,Belfast BT1