Chief constable’s remarks about IRA role in murder raise questions about politics in Northern Ireland

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Councillor Stephen Cooper:

Former Chief Constable Sir George Hamilton’s comments about the 2015 murder of Kevin McGuigan, saying it was “sanctioned at senior levels” of the IRA (Ex PSNI Chief Constable Sir George Hamilton: IRA Army Council directed Sinn Fein during Kevin McGuigan murder, January 25, see link below) raise profound questions about the state of politics in Northern Ireland in 2022. Here we had a terror group which the former chief constable says was directing Sinn Fein at the time murdering Kevin McGuigan.

Interestingly, Sir George’s remarks are the polar opposite of what the PSNI said in 2015 when they told us they had “no information” on whether the murder was sanctioned or not.

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These comments will reinforce the justifiable perception in many minds that republicans are treated with kid gloves by the police.

Victims of the IRA know that all too often their concerns were brushed aside for the sake of the process. The latest comments about the McGuigan murder will entrench the belief that protecting the process will always come before the need for justice for victims of the Provisionals.

Councillor Stephen Cooper, TUV Strangford MLA candidate

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A message from the Editor:

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