Boris’ drinks party antics have stirred more fury than his betrayal of the Union

Boris JohnsonBoris Johnson
Boris Johnson
A letter from Davy Wight:

Feckless as Boris undoubtedly is, and however arrogant and insensitive the crass behaviour of the over-entitled Downing Street clique, would it be just possible that all the hoo-hah about those drinks parties is really just a bit of pre election political opportunism by struggling Labour and by those in his own party who “would be king”?

But of his foul mistreatment of Northern Ireland, not a squeak.

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Sadly this is just another example of the British establishment’s parochial Little Englander attitude to Northern Ireland.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

While there is mass hysteria in London and beyond about the relatively minor party peccadillos, the utter silence on Johnson’s betrayal of Northern Ireland is both revealing and sickening:

His bare faced lie promising no Irish sea border, over his dead body; his subsequent imposition of that border; effective repeal of the Act of Union.

All a craven ploy to appease the failing EU by gifting them Northern Ireland – first as a hostage, paving the way to eventual complete abandonment.

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Accuse me of heresy if you will, but sometimes I wonder if the people of Northern Ireland might not get a better deal in a United Ireland with folk who clearly want us, given the amount of scheming they do to get us, than in our current semi detached position In the UK with people who clearly do not.

Davy Wight, Carrickfergus

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