Letter: The DUP leader hit out at  politicians flying in from England, then posed with one such politician

DUP interim leader Gavin Robinson meeting the Labour Shadow NI Secretary Hilary Benn at a DUP business breakfast last week. ​How can Mr Robinson justify inviting Hillary Benn to a DUP fundraiser? ​​​​​​Didn't he fly in from England?DUP interim leader Gavin Robinson meeting the Labour Shadow NI Secretary Hilary Benn at a DUP business breakfast last week. ​How can Mr Robinson justify inviting Hillary Benn to a DUP fundraiser? ​​​​​​Didn't he fly in from England?
DUP interim leader Gavin Robinson meeting the Labour Shadow NI Secretary Hilary Benn at a DUP business breakfast last week. ​How can Mr Robinson justify inviting Hillary Benn to a DUP fundraiser? ​​​​​​Didn't he fly in from England?
A letter from Samuel Morrison:

I write to express my surprise at the photograph which appeared on page 5 of Friday’s News Letter showing the interim DUP leader with Labour shadow Secretary of State Hillary Benn (‘Gavin Robinson tells shadow NI Secretary the DUP is 'banking progress' and focused on prosperity,’ April 12)

Is this the same Gavin Robinson who last Monday complained about politicians “flying in from England” when asked about the rally planned for Dromore Orange Hall on 26th April to be addressed by Ann Widdecombe, Ben Habib, Baroness Kate Hoey and Jim Allister?

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Mr Robinson went on to lambast Baroness Hoey (who incidentally has lived in Northern Ireland for quite some time) and Ben Habib for allegedly not taking a strong enough stance on the Protocol – a laughable proposition and not one made by the DUP when, prior to the last assembly election, they were positively desperate to seen alongside Mr Habib, Baroness Hoey and yes even Jim Allister on as many platforms as possible.

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor

How can Mr Robinson justify inviting Hillary Benn to a DUP fundraiser?

Didn’t he “fly in” from England?

Does the DUP’s demand for a sea border for politicians only apply to those who won’t come over to pat them on the head for implementing the Sea Border for goods?

The DUP are quite entitled to have senior figures from parties in Great Britain at their events. Only a fool would suggest otherwise. Mr Robinson should perhaps acknowledge that the same applies to others.

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Furthermore, before making any more silly comments about how others supposedly didn’t take a stand on the protocol they should reflect on their decision to invite Mr Benn to their business breakfast.

After all, not only has Labour supported the protocol, Hillary Benn was the brains behind the ‘Benn Act’ which tied the government’s hands meaning we couldn’t leave the EU without a deal – something which resulted ultimately in the Protocol.

Samuel Morrison, TUV Dromore, Co Down