It seems now that only Jim Allister is determined to scrap the Northern Ireland Protocol

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
News Letter editorial of Saturday May 29 2021;

You would not know from the article by Edwin Poots on page 6 that the DUP is in turmoil (see link below).

Thursday night’s events showed that it is.

While it was an obvious mistake for Mr Poots not to mention his rival Sir Jeffrey Donaldson in his victory speech on becoming leader a fortnight ago, it also seems a mistake for Sir Jeffrey to have joined Arlene Foster and others in walking out before Mr Poots spoke on Thursday. Unless, that is, they have given up on the DUP.

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Certainly the comments from Mrs Foster are peculiar in that regard. Yesterday she praised Mr Poots on his election as leader, yet made clear that she feels she has been badly treated. She reiterated that she will leave the DUP.

Why then does Mr Poots not ask her to leave office at once? How can she stay as first minister another month?

In his platform, Mr Poots says: “The damage of the Northern Ireland Protocol simply cannot be ignored.”

Then he meekly adds “the DUP will not be found wanting in efforts to remove the Protocol, but it is through a joined-up approach”.

He then goes on to talk about the NHS.

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How is this different to Doug Beattie, who said the NHS is a more important issue? How will Mrs Poots saying “the Irish government too have a role to play” cause Dublin any concern?

Increasingly it seems that only Jim Allister is determined and fully committed to ending the Irish Sea border.

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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Alistair Bushe
