Ireland has helped the European Union turn the screw on Britain

Ireland's Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Coveney. "Leaders of our neighbouring nation are helping restrict our independence; a subject dear to their historical hearts"Ireland's Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Coveney. "Leaders of our neighbouring nation are helping restrict our independence; a subject dear to their historical hearts"
Ireland's Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Coveney. "Leaders of our neighbouring nation are helping restrict our independence; a subject dear to their historical hearts"
The bitter debate over the perceived consequences of a No-Deal Brexit has been caused by the intransigence of the EU making it difficult for Britain achieving a decent deal.

The pandering of many politicians was not helpful and caused EU federalists to think our nation would eventually surrender to their supremacy.

We were dragged into Europe by national leaders who sold us a bright future of free trading and shared services.

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Unfortunately, it has turned into a political monster bent on all nations becoming servants to unelected eurocrats

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

They could have treated Britain as an equal among nations and made possible a friendly departure that still allowed full cooperation and shared support.

But that was anathema to the federalists hoping for eventual world government. They made a show of Mrs May and we ended up with a deal that parliament continuously rejected.

They behaved more like dictators bent on punishing a wayward member.

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It is a warning to ordinary folk that too much power is not good in the hands of leaders lusting to dominate others. All opponents of the referendum who think there should be a rerun must ask themselves if they really believe in our model of finding majority opinion.

Will they reject the results of the next election?

I am disappointed that our neighbouring nation is helping to turn the screw to restrict our independence; a subject dear to their historical heart.

Maybe the EU is terrified at the thought of losing one of its best golden geese who contributes a very large egg to its budget. What will happen to those who pay much less at the moment?

I do not dislike Europe, indeed the world with the right attitude can, if they wish, develop fair agreements with each other. The times and seasons of creation are so designed by God our creator, to make us rely on each other for the foods of this earth. If we believe in the value of human life and the freedom of man, there must be less selfishness and narrow interests.

David Barbour, Coleraine