If Amnesty was to decide its human rights stances based on polling it would support the death penalty

Polls often show majority support for the death penalty. Do Amnesty accept those poll findings?Polls often show majority support for the death penalty. Do Amnesty accept those poll findings?
Polls often show majority support for the death penalty. Do Amnesty accept those poll findings?
With regard to the new polling by Amnesty on abortion:

Amnesty’s campaign to radically undermine the human rights of the unborn child in Northern Ireland is hard to understand.

It fails to clarify what limits, if any, they are campaigning for.

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Abortion is always a sensitive issue, but particularly for those who have suffered from rape or incest or are carrying a child with a life limiting disability.

However, both lives matter, and as a progressive society we must seek the outcome that is best for both, difficult as that may be.

It is time for Amnesty to tell everyone clearly what law on abortion they are actually campaigning for – do they support any limits on choice? Decriminalisation would move Northern Ireland well beyond the 1967 Act.

It is also time Amnesty explained why they only support equality for some and seem content to discriminate against those who are most disabled.

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There is widespread support for capital punishment in many countries including America, but Amnesty rightly campaigns against the death penalty.

It cannot simply pick and chose when to use polling because it suits particular causes.

Human rights exist regardless of opinion polls.

Peter Lynas, NI Director Evangelical Alliance