NIO minister: The centenary of Northern Ireland is a key anniversary for the whole of the United Kingdom

The establishment of Northern Ireland in 1921 is an historical milestone which we not only want to mark, but also use as an opportunity to promote Northern Ireland, says Robin WalkerThe establishment of Northern Ireland in 1921 is an historical milestone which we not only want to mark, but also use as an opportunity to promote Northern Ireland, says Robin Walker
The establishment of Northern Ireland in 1921 is an historical milestone which we not only want to mark, but also use as an opportunity to promote Northern Ireland, says Robin Walker
Next year will mark the centenary of the creation of Northern Ireland, and the formation of the United Kingdom as we know it.

Who could have imagined just how much Northern Ireland would have gone through during the last 100 years, or how far it would have come.

During the Decade of Centenaries, the British and Irish governments have come together to mark key dates in our shared history in an inclusive and respectful way; the final part of the decade offers further opportunities for this valuable bilateral cooperation.

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Yet the establishment of Northern Ireland in 1921 is an historical milestone which we not only want to mark, but also use as an opportunity to promote Northern Ireland on the world stage.

Robin Walker is MP for Worcester and Minister of State at the Northern Ireland Ofice (NIO) since 2019Robin Walker is MP for Worcester and Minister of State at the Northern Ireland Ofice (NIO) since 2019
Robin Walker is MP for Worcester and Minister of State at the Northern Ireland Ofice (NIO) since 2019

The centenary offers an occasion to celebrate its people, culture, traditions and enterprise as well as its vital contribution to the United Kingdom over the past century, and its integral place within the Union today.

Yesterday, the prime minister announced the establishment of a Centenary Forum and Centenary Historical Advisory Panel to help shape our programme of events to mark this important national anniversary for the entire United Kingdom.

We will work with a broad spectrum of people and voices, including those from the political parties, business, tourism and the voluntary and community sectors to deliver an ambitious and exciting programme of events.

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The Historical Advisory Panel will provide expert insight on the historical facts and themes of this period, encouraging wider engagement with, and reflection on, our shared history.

Despite the many challenges it faced over the course of the twentieth century and a long and difficult journey to the peace and prosperity it enjoys today,

Northern Ireland has a wonderful, rich and vibrant cultural and industrial heritage.

Since my appointment over a year ago, I can personally attest to the warm welcome and hospitality which is offered all across Northern Ireland, no matter who you are or where you come from.

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We believe the centenary of Northern Ireland represents a huge opportunity for us to look towards a shared and more prosperous future for all of us, as one United Kingdom.

This anniversary will allow us to showcase Northern Ireland as an attractive place to live, visit and do business and reinforce its position at the forefront of global developments in science and technology — from the ingenuity of firms such as Wrightbus and Stratospheric Platforms, to the expertise of the Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) at Queen’s University Belfast.

Northern Ireland is a truly special place — and we intend to make this a memorable centenary that we can all be proud of, as we celebrate all that is unique about Northern Ireland and look ahead to its bright future.

• Robin Walker MP is minister of state at the Northern Ireland Office

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