Letter: Ben Lowry is right in much of his critique of Windsor Framework but quite wrong to say that unionists should return to Stormont

It would be pathetic to see unionists go back to the assembly with their tails between their legs having achieved little in the returning of sovereignty. It is clear that the revised protocol does not go near meeting the DUP’s seven testsIt would be pathetic to see unionists go back to the assembly with their tails between their legs having achieved little in the returning of sovereignty. It is clear that the revised protocol does not go near meeting the DUP’s seven tests
It would be pathetic to see unionists go back to the assembly with their tails between their legs having achieved little in the returning of sovereignty. It is clear that the revised protocol does not go near meeting the DUP’s seven tests
A letter from John Mulholland:

Having read Ben Lowry’s Saturday article (‘Hauliers have helped harden some unionists against deal,’ March 18, see link below), I was surprised to read his final thought that unionists should go back into government.

I agree with Mr Lowry that the Northern Ireland Protocol was a bigger constitutional change even than the 1985 Anglo Irish Agreement. I agree with him that the Irish Sea border is still largely in place. I agree with that NI businesses have not spoken up for East-West trade. I agree that Sinn Fein was allowed to collapse Stormont for three years without criticism until it got an Irish language act. And I agree with him that the muted unionist reaction to the Windsor Framework has defused opposition among Tory MPs who will say why should they be alarmed if the DUP is not?

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But I cannot agree that unionists should return to Stormont. When we get back to reality after the hype in the US, it is plain that unionists are fighting a lone battle. A return to the assembly would be happening under duress. It would be pathetic to see unionist politicians go back with their tails between their legs having achieved little in the returning of sovereignty. They might as well roll over and accept the drift towards a united Ireland.

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor

It is now clear that the revised protocol does not go anywhere near meeting the DUP’s seven tests or the pledge that unionist politicians agreed on Ulster Day 2021. The only way this agreement can be acceptable to unionist leaders or a Tory government would be for their own expedience. As Lord Frost said “the new protocol would not be acceptable in any other part of the UK”, so why is Northern Ireland expected to have a border within their own country?

It is time to expose the lie that the Yanks, Eire, EU and republicans’ main concern is the Belfast Agreement. Their main aim is to use the protocol and this deal to further their aim of a united Ireland. Sadly, the UK government is playing along with them and it remains to be seen if unionists have the leadership to face down this great deception. it will take a siege of Derry mentality to do so.

Unionists have been deceived by the Belfast Agreement. They cannot allow history to repeat itself and cannot afford to put on a false face when they all gather to celebrate the 25h anniversary of that agreement. For many unionists, it is not worth the paper it is written on when it comes to sovereignty. Surely unionist politicians will not again be like the Grand Old Duke of York and lead unionists to the top of the hill – only to leave them there.

John Mulholland, Doagh, Co Antrim