Brexit returns EU powers to member states, which is what Sinn Fein want

The assembly would get hundreds of new powers if the UK left the EUThe assembly would get hundreds of new powers if the UK left the EU
The assembly would get hundreds of new powers if the UK left the EU
After the much vaunted rhetoric of ‘The North is next’ by Mary Lou McDonald and Michelle O’Neill all seems to have gone quiet on the pro abortion front in the run up to the local and EU elections.

Rather likes Sinn Fein’s two faced position on the EU it is also two faced on the issue of abortion especially in light of Peadar Tóibín’s Pro Life Aontú nipping at their heels.

Conor Murphy stated on The View on February 23rd 2017 that Sinn Fein “don’t agree with bringing the 1967 Abortion Act in to the North here” .

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Mitchel McLaughlin stated the same as far back as June 2000.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

In 2012 Martin McGuinness “We’ve had a very consistent position down the years. Sinn Fein is not in favour of abortion and we resisted any attempt to bring the British 1967 Abortion Act to the north.”

Yet in 2013 Sinn Fein’s Martina Anderson voted for the EU motion to make abortion a human right.

On the EU Matt Carthy MEP in 2014 said “we have a clear democratic deficit at the heart of EU project, with direction of the EU being increasingly driven by bureaucrats and unelected officials,” whilst Gerry Adams MP wrote “To make matters worse political elites across Europe want to centralise more power into the EU institutions – they claim that this is the only way to resolve the crisis. It is time to call a halt to the failed policies of the Brussels consensus.

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“The European Parliament election is your opportunity to send a signal to the political elites that you have had enough.”

And the 2014 Sinn Fein EU manifesto sought to “return powers to member states and increase the influence of member state parliaments in the EU legislative process”.

Brexit gives the Northern Ireland Assembly hundreds of new powers.

Alan Day,

TUV, Coagh