Ben Lowry: Trump's first 100 days shaping up as it seemed it would

President Donald TrumpPresident Donald Trump
President Donald Trump
It is 100 days since Donald Trump came to power.

I would only say this: his presidency is shaping up every bit as it seemed likely that it would.

His policies often seem to change and his instincts and comments are unpredictable.

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The more foolish of his campaign commitments have proved incapable of being brought to fruition and in any event he often acts or talks in a way in which suggests that he does not really believe or understand some of those commitments.

It is welcome that the US system of checks and balances is working and that his power is constrained by the system.

It is also welcome that some of his wilder appointments have been marginalised or have left the administration and that he now has some experienced officials.

But in that case his whole ‘drain the swamp’ project has failed.

Ben Lowry (@BenLowry2) is News Letter deputy editor

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