As Barry’s or Curry’s, the re-opening of the attraction is welcome

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
News Letter editorial on Thursday March 31 2022:

Barry’s is back at Portrush — and by Easter too!

Well, not quite. Barry’s will indeed be open by this coming holiday, but it will do so as Curry’s.

There is a sadness to such a famous name being dropped, but at least the premises will return.

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The popular amusement park in the heart of one of Northern Ireland’s most loved tourist towns seemed set to close forever when it was sold last year.

The prospect of its prime seafront site being turned into yet more property was a depressing one.

Portrush, like so much of the north coast, has long been a holiday spot for families. And what could be more thrilling for kids than going on rides such as the Big Dipper?

Recently came good news that Barry’s will not be replaced by apartment blocks, but will return as amusements, run on a long lease by the Curry family from Londonderry.

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When residential property becomes expensive, as it does in popular vacation spots, and as it did in towns and cities on both sides of the Irish border in the 2006 and 2007 boom, all sorts of facilities, attractions and conveniences get sold and turned into yet more housing. This often ends in tears.

In Dublin, for example, city centre petrol stations got gobbled up as land for further apartments. In such a situation soon no-one has a petrol station nearby and so stations that remain open make lots of money, demand for them rises, so that the pendulum swings back again away from housing.

Something similar can happen in holiday towns.

If Portrush lost Barry’s to more housing, part of the soul of the town would be gone. There would be less to do, less variety on the skyline and thus less to see.

Maybe in the future people will start calling it Curry’s. If so, the managers of the newly re-branded franchise will deserve that accolade for having saved such an attraction. Or maybe people will still call it Barry’s.

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The key point is that families from across NI will continue to have fun experiences there.

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