Officers were drawn to cannabis factory by smell

Generic image of herbal cannabisGeneric image of herbal cannabis
Generic image of herbal cannabis
A 40-year-old man has been charged with a number of drugs-related offences after a cannabis factory was found in Coleraine's Railway Road on Monday, when an estimated £40,000-worth of the drug was seized.

The man was bailed, and is set to be in court on August 1.

who was arrested at the scene, was charged with cultivating cannabis, possession of a class B controlled drug with intent to supply and possession of a class B controlled drug.

Sgt Stephen Burns, of Coleraine Local Policing Team, said: “This seizure came about as the result of excellent police work by local officers following up on a strong smell of cannabis coming from the premises.

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“This is an ongoing example of how the PSNI is keeping people safe while policing in the community. The officers involved are to be commended for their actions, which have taken a substantial amount of drugs out of circulation and reduced the harm they cause to communities.

“If you have any suspicions regarding strange smells or suspicious activity, please call the PSNI on 101, or you can report the matter anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

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