Nesbitt rejects DUP atttempt at '˜project fear'

Ulster Unionist Party leader Mike NesbittUlster Unionist Party leader Mike Nesbitt
Ulster Unionist Party leader Mike Nesbitt
Arlene Foster is 'attempting to strike fear' into the hearts of unionists over the influence of Gerry Adams, the Ulster Unionist leader has said.

Mike Nesbitt said the DUP leader and former first minister knows Mr Adams “can’t implement his vision” for Northern Ireland through a Sinn Fein first minister and should not be engaging in “project fear”.

Mr Nesbitt said: “We do not see it possible that Sinn Fein could take the first minister’s office. Firstly, if the DUP and Sinn Fein were to switch places, Michelle O’Neill could only be first minister if Arlene Foster agrees to be her deputy.

“Secondly, given the joint nature of the office the DUP would have a veto over any Sinn Fein decision, so in this scenario the ‘radical agenda’ could only be implemented should the DUP consent.”