Man jailed for ‘unprovoked and prolonged attack’ on wife of 37 years

Scales of JusticeScales of Justice
Scales of Justice
A pensioner who launched a prolonged and unprovoked attack on his wife of 37 years in their west Belfast home was jailed on Friday.

Roy Cairns, who described his behaviour on the night of September 8, 2017 as “monstrous”, was handed a three-year sentence to be divided between 18 months in prison and 18 months on licence.

During sentencing at Belfast Crown Court, it emerged that Cairns’s 62-year old wife had her head banged off a radiator, was trailed around by her hair and was repeatedly punched and kicked.

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Neighbours took her to the Royal Victoria Hospital, where she was treated for a 10cm head wound which required staples. Four of her teeth were also damaged.

Cairns (66), of Cloona Glen, Dunmurry, hasn’t seen his wife since attacking her, and has expressed remorse which the judge considers sincere.

The former Housing Executive employee pleaded guilty to wounding his wife with intent to cause her grievous bodily harm.

A prosecutor said Cairns launched the attack after the couple had been watching TV and consuming a moderate amount of alcohol. As she went to bring the dog in, she was “attacked without any reason or trigger” in the kitchen.

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A defence barrister for Cairns expanded on his client’s troubled childhood.

Judge David McFarland said the offending was more serious as it was a “violation of trust and security in a family setting”.