Man ‘can’t remember’ assaulting bouncers in Queen’s Students’ Union

A man who assaulted two students’ union bouncers after being woken from an FA Cup Final drinking binge must pay each of them £100 compensation, a judge has ordered.

James Murray, 23, was also told to complete 60 hours community service for his “disgraceful” behaviour at the Queen’s University facilities in Belfast.

Murray, of Dufferin Park in Downpatrick, Co Down, had been sleeping on a sofa when approached by one of the security officers on May 19 last year.

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Belfast Magistrates’ Court heard he pushed the member of staff away, put a finger in his mouth and held it there in the form of a hook.

As colleagues took hold of Murray and accompanied him to the door he spat on one of them, a prosecutor said.

He was then restrained on the ground until police arrived.

During interviews Murray claimed to have no memory of the incident due to his state of intoxication.

He said that he only remembered talking to a female and then waking up in a cell.

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But according to the prosecution Murray also stated: “I am not sorry for punching the bouncers, they are f****** w******. If there were standing right there now I would punch them again.”

Defence barrister Luke Curran said his client is ashamed of how he acted under the influence.

“It was his 23rd birthday out with friends and the FA Cup Final day, he was drinking much more than he should have,” counsel added.

Imposing the community service for the assaults, District Judge Alan White told the defendant: “Your behaviour was absolutely disgraceful.

“You will also pay £100 compensation to each of the security men, who shouldn’t have to put up with this sort of behaviour.”