Local men targeted by online blackmailers following intimate video requests

Online dangers. NSPCCOnline dangers. NSPCC
Online dangers. NSPCC
Police in Mid Ulster are appealing for anyone who has been the victim of online blackmail resulting from requests for intimate videos on Facebook to come forward.

The PSNI said is it receiving continuing reports of such incidents in the area, which are soon following by demands of money.

Clonoe schoolboy Ronan Hughes tragically took his own life last year after falling victim to such a scam online.

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Blackmailers had threatened to post pictures of him on the internet unless he paid them £3,000.

In a post on Facebook this morning, police said: “Police in Mid Ulster continue to receive reports of incidents where victims are approached on Facebook by unknown females requesting intimate videos.

“Demands for money from their victims then follow.

“We are committed to fully investigating this type of crime when it is reported to us, however, we want to do all we can to raise awareness so this doesn’t happen at all.

“Advice can be found on the Get Safe Online website at https://www.getsafeonline.org.

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“If you would like to speak to anyone concerning any issues you may have please call the 101 number.

“Please remember to be mindful of accepting friend requests from strangers and do not share intimate videos online.”