Jail for man who rugby-tackled victim in the head

Scales of justice.Scales of justice.
Scales of justice.
A man who rugby-tackled and kicked his victim in the head during a north Belfast street assault has been jailed for three months.

Aodhan Murray inflicted injuries that resulted in the man being taken to hospital with concussion last September, prosecutors said.

The 25-year-old defendant, of Oldpark Avenue in the city, admitted common assault and criminal damage to a wing mirror ripped from a car belonging to the victim’s partner.

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Belfast Magistrates’ Court heard police were called to a house in nearby Rosehead after three men came to the door during a verbal argument between the couple.

But before officers arrived Murray approached the man outside and struck him in the face, a judge was told.

A prosecution lawyer said: “The defendant rugby-tackled the injured party to the ground, kicked him a number of times and then walked off.”

Murray was found being sick in the hallway of a nearby property.

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The victim suffered cuts and bruises to his face and body, and required hospital treatment for concussion.

During interviews Murray admitted kicking him twice while he was on the ground, but initially claimed to have acted in self-defence.

Defence barrister Sean Mullan said his client had been drinking before the street altercation.

He argued that Murray should be given credit for pleading guilty, adding that no serious harm was inflicted.

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But District Judge Fiona Bagnall responded that the defendant was lucky not to have been charged with causing grievous bodily harm.

Stressing the need to impose a deterrent sentence, she said: “If someone has gone and rugby-tackled somebody to the ground, and proceeded to kick them twice in the head, as far as I’m concerned it has to be immediate custody.”

Imposing a three-month prison term, she granted Murray bail to appeal the sentence. ends

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