Heroin addict sent to prison over spate of charity box thefts

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A 32-year old heroin addict who has spent half his life in custody was handed another prison sentence yesterday for a spate of charity box and tip jar thefts from Belfast businesses.

Vincent Martin Joseph Dunn, who started taking drugs aged 12, was handed a sentence of four years and four months.

Of no fixed abode, Dunne will spend half the sentence behind bars, with the remainder on supervised licence.

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Prosecuting barrister Philip Henry told Belfast Crown Court that Dunn admitted 10 offences arising from a five-month crime spree last year. These included seven counts of theft as well as possessing a knife in a public place.

Defence barrister Luke Curran told Judge Geoffrey Miller QC that his client was a heroin addict who began using drugs aged 12.

Revealing that Dunn was trying to address his addiction, and has passed several drug tests while on remand, Mr Curran said the theft reflected Dunn’s “desperation to get money for a fix.”

Mr Curran also revealed that Dunn was keen to get his life on track for the sake of his young daughter.

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