Foster and Nesbitt re-elected after topping poll

@Press Eye Ltd Northern Ireland- 6th May     2016
Mandatory Credit -Brian Little/Presseye

Ulster Unionist Leader Mike Nesbitt success on the first count for Strangford  for the Assembly Elections at the Aurora Leisure Centre, Bangor.
Picture by brian Little/Presseye@Press Eye Ltd Northern Ireland- 6th May     2016
Mandatory Credit -Brian Little/Presseye

Ulster Unionist Leader Mike Nesbitt success on the first count for Strangford  for the Assembly Elections at the Aurora Leisure Centre, Bangor.
Picture by brian Little/Presseye
@Press Eye Ltd Northern Ireland- 6th May 2016 Mandatory Credit -Brian Little/Presseye Ulster Unionist Leader Mike Nesbitt success on the first count for Strangford for the Assembly Elections at the Aurora Leisure Centre, Bangor. Picture by brian Little/Presseye
Mike Nesbitt and Arlene Foster have retained their Stormont seats after topping the poll in Strangford and Fermanagh South Tyrone respectively.

Ulster Unionist leader Mr Nesbitt said he was “stunned” to top the Strangford poll to win election along with the DUP’s Michelle McIlveen.

Mr Nesbitt said: “It is a bit of a shock, it’s also very gratifying, humbling, and I’m very grateful to the electorate, not least because last time I finished fifth.”

The quota in Strangford was 4,663.

Mrs Foster was elected on the first count in Fermanagh South Tyrone, where the quota was 6,740.

John McCallister, the former Ulster Unionist MLA, has been officially eliminated in South Down.