Fifa open investigation into Ireland's Easter Rising shirts

The Republic of Ireland Easter Rising commemorative shirt which was worn during two friendlies in MarchThe Republic of Ireland Easter Rising commemorative shirt which was worn during two friendlies in March
The Republic of Ireland Easter Rising commemorative shirt which was worn during two friendlies in March
Fifa have confirmed that disciplinary proceedings have been opened on the Republic of Ireland's wearing of Easter Rising commemorative shirts.

The shirts, embroidered with dates marking the centenary of the Easter Rising, were worn during two friendlies in March of this year.

They caused controversy at the time but it has only been in light of the recent Fifa poppy wrangle that football’s governing body have decided to begin an investigation.

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A Fifa spokesperson said: “We can confirm that disciplinary proceedings have been opened on this matter. Please understand we cannot comment further at this stage nor speculate on any outcome.”

It follows comments from Damian Collins, chairman of the Commons Sports Committee, who raised the issue of double standards over Ireland being allowed to commemorate a political event while British teams have been told they cannot display poppies on their shirt on Armistice Day.

The MP is understood to have cited the shirt in question to Fifa.

Northern Ireland are in action on November 11 while England meet Scotland.

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The Irish Football Association have said they have now received guidance from Fifa with regards to the game between Northern Ireland and Azerbaijan.

They would not discuss what this guidance was but said the issue would now be discussed by the association.

They were not able to give any idea as to when a decision on how Armistice Day would be marked at the National Stadium would be taken.