Farm safety event

Carla Lockhart MLA with local farmer Tim McClelland and his family.Carla Lockhart MLA with local farmer Tim McClelland and his family.
Carla Lockhart MLA with local farmer Tim McClelland and his family.
DUP MLA Carla Lockhart is to host a farm safety event in Bleary Farmers Hall on March 1 at 7.30pm.

At the event there will be a varied agenda and contributions from Mr Keith Morrison, HSENI Chief Executive; Mr Barclay Bell, UFU president; David Simpson MP, PSNI, CAFRE and two men who survived farming accidents, Mr William Sayers and Mr Charlie Weir.

It is anticipated that during the evening there will be an interactive session and updates on fodder shortage, TB, agricultural policy, mental health and access to a trailer marking scheme.

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Speaking on the meeting Carla Lockhart said: “It is vitally important that farm safety never becomes a dirty word. One small slip in concentration can lead to a terrible tragedy and taking that extra look might save a life.

“We have seen too many families left to pick up the pieces of an avoidable tragedy and it is hoped that there will be thought provoking discussions on this and also on farmers’ health. Farmers are often left to suffer in silence given the nature of their job and for some it can all become too much. We need a network of listeners who can empathise and help when the pressure becomes too much.

“I am looking forward to a positive and helpful evening. This is a forum that I know will prove useful.”

For catering purposes registration is required at [email protected] or 028 3831 0088.

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