Family's heartache at sudden death of barrister Shona Killen

Shona KillenShona Killen
Shona Killen
The heartbroken brother of a young barrister from Northern Ireland who died suddenly while on holiday in Spain has described his sister as the 'life and soul of any party'.

Shona Killen, from Cloughey on the Ards Peninsula, was on holiday with her partner when she took ill and passed away in hospital in the early hours of Monday morning. She was 27-years-old.

Her grieving older brother, Eamon Killen told the News Letter that the devastating news of Shona’s death had come “completely out of the blue”.

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“To say that it was unexpected is an understatement,” he added. “As far as we were aware Shona was fit and healthy, so it has come as a complete shock to everyone.”

Eamon and his family now face an agonising wait for answers, in the hope that results of a post-mortem examination will provide some closure.

Eamon described his younger sister as “a fun-loving and approachable person”, who was passionate about her work and was also a great supporter of local charities.

This weekend, Shona and her boyfriend had been due to take part in the Memory Walk for the Alzheimer’s Society, a cause very close to her heart.

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A number of Shona’s friends and work colleagues are now planning to complete the walk as a tribute to her.

Since her death a JustGiving page has been started to help raise money for a Alzheimer’s Society. A message on the page reads: “On the early hours of 12 September 2016, we lost our good friend and work colleague, Shona Killen when she passed away whilst on holiday in Spain.”

The Bar of Northern Ireland - which represents barristers - also expressed its sympathy.

The Bar NI said in a statement: “It is with shock and great sadness that we write to inform members of the sudden passing of Shona Killen who died over the weekend while on holiday in Spain.

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“Shona was called to the Bar in 2011 and was a well-known and highly respected young barrister. We would like to express our deepest condolences to her friends and family and we place them in our thoughts and prayers. We would also reassure them that the Bar will do all it can to support them during this most difficult time.”

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