Woman charged over coronavirus regulations released

PSNI officers on patrol.PSNI officers on patrol.
PSNI officers on patrol.
A 46-year-old woman has been released on bail after becoming the first person in Northern Ireland to appear in court accused of breaching coronavirus regulations.

Sinead Corrigan of Dillon Court, Strabane is accused of holding three house parties despite the rules which forbid indoor gatherings of people from different households, and of breaching a prohibition notice.

Enniskillen Magistrates’ Court, sitting in Omagh, heard she was handed the prohibition notice on Friday October 2 after police officers were called to the sheltered housing scheme where she lives.

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Ms Corrigan is also charged with breaching the prohibition order on Saturday October 3 when officers returned to discover another house party at her home.

Appearing via videolink from Strand Road police station in Londonderry, Ms Corrigan indicated she understood the charges when they were put to her.

A PSNI constable said he believed he could connect the accused to the charges.

He told the court on Friday October 2 police were contacted by support staff at the sheltered housing scheme reporting that the accused had people in her flat.

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“Police arrived and discovered an ongoing house party, they detected five persons present from four separate addresses,” he said.

“A prohibition notice was authorised and served on the defendant.

“The following day, on Saturday October 3, in the interim period she had been served with two PNDs with regards the breaches, when police arrived and spoke to the defendant she said she didn’t care about the regulations and would continue to party as soon as she could.

“There have been three parties in total.

“When police arrived (on Saturday), there were a total of eight persons present, one was hiding in the kitchen cupboards, one was sleeping in the bed.

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“The defendant then was arrested at 1822 for contravening the prohibition notice, and she was charged later on that evening.”

The constable went on to tell the court that the accused has “been causing a lot of annoyance” to other residents in the area.

“The supported accommodation have been having massive issues with regards to the defendant … they have said she is in constant breach of the coronavirus regulations, putting the residents and also the staff at risk with these ongoing house parties.

“She has shown she has no consideration to any conditions put on to her or any warnings that have been given to her in the past.

“She is happy to continue having parties.

“The staff have said they can’t do anything more.”

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The court heard the charges can only be dealt with by way of fines.

A defence lawyer said Corrigan’s arrest had been a “wake-up call” for her.

“She has stated this has been the longest weekend of her life and is indeed a wake-up call for her,” he said.

“She knows that she is treading on very thin ice and that any conditions that are imposed, she will adhere to them.”

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District Judge Steven Keown said he has “grave concerns” over her comment to police around the coronavirus regulations.

“The fact she proposes to ignore the Covid regulations and intends to keep partying, we’ll see if that is the case, if it is she will be in custody,” he said.

The judge released Corrigan on £500 bail with a number of conditions, including an approved address, a curfew of 11pm-7am and ban on drinking alcohol.

She is set to appear again before the court on Thursday October 29.