Teenager hit with metal bars and robbed

A teenager was assaulted by four males with metal bars and had his phone stolen in an assault and robbery in the North Queen Street area Belfast during the early hours of yesterday morning.

PSNI Detective Sergeant Sam McCallum said: “Shortly after 1:45am, it was reported that a 17-year-old male was walking in the area when he was assaulted by four males.

“The male received injuries to his face, arms and back as he was punched, kicked and struck by metal bars during the incident.

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“The male had his mobile phone stolen following the assault.”

North Queen Street runs from republican Carrick Hill at the north end of the city centre, through the republican New Lodge, and then into loyalist Tiger’s Bay.

The PSNI were not specific about where along the long road the attack occurred.

One of the attackers wore a green/brown coloured jacket, grey tracksuit bottoms and grey shoes.

The victim was badly shaken.