South East Antrim UDA targeted in raid - suspect cocaine seized

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Suspected cocaine and a number of other items have been seized during a police search operation directed at the UDA in south east Antrim.

Officers from the Paramilitary Crime Task Force (PCTF) conducted searches at two addresses in Ballyclare yesterday.

A PCTF spokesman said the PCTF “remains focussed on the organised criminality of those who hide under the banner of a paramilitary organisation,” and added: “We will continue to doggedly pursue those who are causing real harm to their own communities through the distribution and supply of illicit drugs.

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“South East Antrim UDA continue to be involved in all forms of organised criminality and look to control local communities, stopping people giving information to police, leaving them free to continue to exploit ordinary members of the public.”

Anyone with relevant information is asked to call police on the non emergency 101 number, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

The PCTF spokesman added: “Alternatively, you can submit a report online using our non-emergency reporting form via”