Sinn Fein ‘very last people’ who can complain about Covid breaches: TUV

Hundreds of Rangers fans converged on Belfast's Shankill Road to celebrate the club winning its 55th league titleHundreds of Rangers fans converged on Belfast's Shankill Road to celebrate the club winning its 55th league title
Hundreds of Rangers fans converged on Belfast's Shankill Road to celebrate the club winning its 55th league title
The “hypocrisy” of Sinn Fein questioning the police response to Rangers fans celebrating on Sunday would be incredible if it wasn’t so predictable, Jim Allister has said.

West Belfast MP Paul Maskey said he will be “raising questions directly with the PSNI” around the police approach to what he called “organised gatherings” in breach of the Covid regulations on the Shankill Road.

Hundreds of local Rangers fans let off flares and formed a vehicle cavalcade on hearing news that the Glasgow giants had clinched their first Scottish league title in ten years.

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On Monday, the Sinn Fein MP said: “Large crowds gathered in public, with no adherence to social distancing or mask wearing. These scenes were deeply concerning in the midst of a pandemic. Reports of sectarian chanting are also worrying and need to be investigated.”

Mr Maskey added: “I will be raising questions directly with the PSNI around their approach to these organised gatherings. We have made great strides in our fight back against the pandemic thanks to the efforts of so many and we cannot allow that to the jeopardised.”

Last June, deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill, and other senior Sinn Fein figures, joined more than 1,000 republicans on the streets of west Belfast for the funeral of former IRA leader Bobby Storey.

A number of people were interviewed by police, and a file submitted to the PPS, but no decision on possible prosecutions has been reached.

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TUV leader Mr Allister said: “Of course everyone should abide by the law but the very last people to complain about Covid regulations being breached are Sinn Fein. The organised mass defiance of the Covid regulations in full view of TV cameras at the Bobby Storey funeral shattered public confidence in the restrictions.”

Mr Allister added: “This is the party which is lead in Northern Ireland by someone who to this day has a public position that she will never apologise for attending the funeral of her friend. The hypocrisy would be quite incredible were we not so used to double standards from Sinn Fein.”

Commenting on the PSNI’s response to the weekend gathering on the Shankill Road, Superintendent Nigel Henry said police received reports “of a street party and flares being set off on the Shankill Road,” and added: “Police also became aware of fireworks being let off in the Shankill Road area and in the Ballysillan Road area.

“The numbers involved in the scenes last night were clearly a breach of the Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations, which is so disappointing when we know so many other people are adhering to the regulations and playing their part to keep people safe.

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“An investigation is under way, and appropriate enforcement action will be taken in relation to breaches of the regulations.”

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