Rural crime clampdown sees 4,400 litres of illicit fuel seized in Newry

PSNI seize fuel tankPSNI seize fuel tank
PSNI seize fuel tank
A cross-border joint police operation has resulted in 4,400 litres of suspected illicit fuel and related equipment being seized from a premises in Newry.

More than 80 vehicle check points were also carried out across Fermanagh, Omagh, south Armagh and Strabane during a rural crime clampdown yesterday, leading to at least one arrest and the recovery of a small amount of drugs.

Chief Inspector Robert McGowan said: “Along with colleagues from HMRC we attended a premises in Newry that was operating as an unlicensed filling station. Approximately 4,400 litres of suspected illicit fuel, two sets of commercial forecourt pumps and a 12,000 litre fuel tank were seized.

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“We carried out 84 authorised vehicle check points, carried out a number of roadside breath tests which we were pleased came back negative and seized one vehicle on suspicion of a number of offences.”

C/Insp McGowan added: “These operations will continue in the weeks and months ahead as we work together with An Garda Síochána and other partner agencies to prevent cross-border crime and disrupt the activities of organised crime gangs.”

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