PSNI issues warning over high-tech car thefts

Motorists of high-value cars are being warned about the risk from keyless car thefts after two BMW cars were stolen in the Portadown area in the early hours of Tuesday.

Police believe the two vehicles were taken after thieves outside the properties redirected the wireless signal from the cars’ key fobs.

The first theft occurred on the Drumnacanvy Road around 2.45am, while the second car was stolen from the Lisnagrilly Manor area.

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Detective Sergeant Dave Stewart said: “We are urging vehicle owners to be vigilant, especially those with keyless entry cars.

“With advances in technology, thieves are now able to gain access to your vehicle by redirecting the wireless signal from your key fob. Where possible, keep your car in a garage or lock your driveway gates.”

D/S Stewart added: “Motorists are also advised to use a blocking pouch also called a Faraday pouch (lined with metallic material) to help block the wireless signal from your key fob.”