PSNI drink-drive message: Take two seconds to think

Random checks as  the PSNI  launch the winter anti -drink/drug drive operation at Sprucefield on Thursday ahead of the Festive season.
Pic Colm Lenaghan/ PacemakerRandom checks as  the PSNI  launch the winter anti -drink/drug drive operation at Sprucefield on Thursday ahead of the Festive season.
Pic Colm Lenaghan/ Pacemaker
Random checks as the PSNI launch the winter anti -drink/drug drive operation at Sprucefield on Thursday ahead of the Festive season. Pic Colm Lenaghan/ Pacemaker
The PSNI has launched its annual winter enforcement campaign by asking the public to “take two seconds” to think about the reality of being caught drink or drug-driving.

During last year’s campaign, 6,972 roadside breath tests were carried out and 280 people arrested, for drink/drug- driving related offences.

Superintendent Gary Busch said: “Unbelievably, this was during a period of time when we saw decreased traffic volume because of the pandemic.

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“For many people it would be unthinkable to get behind the wheel of a car after consuming alcohol or taking drugs. However, the statistics clearly show that for multiple reasons, too many people are prepared to take the risk or, worse, find it acceptable.

“This year we are asking the public to take two seconds to think about how their actions will impact on others. Is it worth losing your licence and potentially your job? Can you live with the consequences of causing a life-changing injury to a family member, friend, or another person? What if your selfish actions resulted in the death of someone else?”

He added: “Over the coming weeks targeted operations will run day and night across the country, and we will coordinate road safety operations in border counties with colleagues from An Garda Siochana.

“Road policing officers and local and neighbourhood policing teams will be working alongside tactical support group using authorised vehicle checkpoints as a very visible, physical deterrent to anyone thinking about drink or drug driving.

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“In addition to our authorised checkpoints, every driver or motorcyclist stopped by police, whether for speeding, using a mobile phone, or committing any moving traffic offence can expect to be breathalysed.

“Anyone involved in a collision or who we suspect may have consumed alcohol or taken drugs will also be tested.”

l Morning View, page 16