Police launch murder investigation following death of man after assault

Police have launched a murder investigationPolice have launched a murder investigation
Police have launched a murder investigation
Detectives have launched a murder probe following the death of a man a week after he was assaulted.

The PSNI is investigating an incident at a house in Donard Drive in Lisburn which occurred on February 1.

Eugene McCormack, 53, died yesterday (Tuesday).

Detective Inspector Gina Quinn said: “Eugene was assaulted during the incident, which occurred at around 3.30pm last Tuesday afternoon, and was taken to hospital where tragically he passed away earlier today.

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“A 30-year-old man is currently on remand in prison in connection with the matter.

“Our inquiries are continuing at this time and I would appeal to anyone with any information or footage that could be of use to our investigation, to contact detectives at Ladas Drive on 101 quoting reference 1171 01/02/22.”

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