No justification for punishment-type shooting ‘whatever the reason’ says DUP man after victim shot in both legs in loyalist Ballybeen

Loyalist BallybeenLoyalist Ballybeen
Loyalist Ballybeen
Robin Newton MLA has condemned the shooting of a man in a loyalist-dominated housing estate on the eastern edge of Belfast.

It happened last night at about 8.30pm in Kilberry Park, part of the giant Ballybeen housing estate.

Though the police have not described it as a so-called “punishment attack” it bears the hallmarks of one; the victim was struck in both legs, and the estate has a significant UDA, UVF, and Red Hand Commando presence.

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The fact someone has fallen victim to such an attack is no indication of whether they are actually guilty of any wrongdoing; in recent years both republicans and loyalists have killed people with no known paramilitary ties or criminal history (Glenn Quinn in Carrickfergus, and Michael McGibbon in the Ardoyne, for instance).

The details of last night’s victim were not released by police.

All that is known is that he was taken to hospital.

DUP man Mr Newton, a member of the Assembly’s justice committee, described the act as “scandalous and barbaric”.

“Whatever the reason for shooting a man in the legs, it cannot be justified,” he said.

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He added that supposed “punishment attacks” are a “type of crude justice [which pose] a danger to the entire community and deserve no support”.

He ended by saying: “I appeal to the local people to support PSNI efforts on this matter by making use of the police 101 number.”

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