Man had Kinder eggs containing drugs hidden inside him

Laganside court complex in Belfast city centre.Laganside court complex in Belfast city centre.
Laganside court complex in Belfast city centre.
A man who had Kinder Eggs containing drugs hidden inside him to take into custody has been sentenced to one month in prison.

Stephen Moore, 26, concealed quantities of cannabis and a prescription medication in the confection capsules.

Belfast Magistrates’ Court heard the illicit substances were intended for his personal use while in jail.

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Moore, of Cliftonpark Avenue in the city, admitted possessing Class B and Class C drugs. Prosecutors said the discovery was made after he was brought into a Belfast police station for other matters on August 16 this year.

While being processed Moore disclosed that he had drugs in his body. He then passed two Kinder Eggs containing quantities of cannabis and a sleeping pill.

Defence solicitor Pearse MacDermott told the court: “He accepts that he had these for his personal use, and they were on his person.”

Mr MacDermott stressed his client made full admissions to police at the scene.

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With Moore already serving an eight-month term for other drugs and public order offences, District Judge Mark McGarrity confirmed the new sentence will run at the same time.

He said: “There will be one month’s imprisonment, concurrent on each count.