Leaked email suggests former INLA man Malachy McAllister will remain in US

Malachy McAllisterMalachy McAllister
Malachy McAllister
A former INLA prisoner due to be removed from the US this week has been granted a six-month stay on the deportation order, according to a report in the Washington Examiner.

Malachy McAllister, who served a prison sentence in 1981 for republican terrorism offences, has been fighting deportation from New Jersey since the US introduced new laws following the 9/11 terror attacks.

A native of Belfast, he is said to have made his way to New Jersey via Canada after his home was the target of a loyalist gun attack in 1988.

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Senator Charles Schumer and Congressman Peter King of New York have been making representations on Mr McAllister’s behalf to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), but their campaign seemed futile with the deportation date set for tomorrow.

However, a Washington Examiner report, based on a leaked email, claims a top DHS official has decided to overrule Immigration and Customs Enforcement and grant the six-month stay.

Senator Schumer said: “Mr. McAllister is a valued member of the Irish American community who has done nothing but productive things since seeking asylum here following an assassination attempt on him and his family during the Troubles.”

Mr McAllister, who runs a masonry business, recently told the Irish Voice publication that he is “spent” having fought against his deportation for so long.

“I am absolutely afraid. It’s like I’ll have a red target on my back,” he added.